Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Holiday Decorating...Saturday, November 28, 8:00 am at the Library/Town Hall

Hi all, just a note to remind everyone about our commitment to the downtown area. We will be gathering at the Town Hall/Library to hang wreaths and garland. It takes about two hours....bring your family members....it's a fun way to spend the morning...visiting folks and laughing. I learned how to drive a pick up truck last year...so you never know......Best regards and Happy Thanksgiving, Rita, Chris and Deb

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A huge thank you to Debbie's Florists, Excel Update, Loretta's Event, and 2010 dates

I noticed beautiful, bright orange bows on the cornstalks in downtown Berlin. I surmised that Debbie Briggs, owner of Debbie's Florists, quietly made, donated and arranged the bows on the cornstalks. I overhead Debbie recently state, "Those cornstalks need some livening up." Thank you, Debbie. Your generosity is only surpassed by your daily kindnesses that I have observed. What a great mentor you are for me with regard to volunteering.

Am working with Frank Domin and Carol McCormick to finalize the dates for the Excel training (I wouldn't have been able to make it November 5 and 6 as Frank proposed). Part selfish on my part and also because I am part of the headcount we need to make the quota for this training. We are aiming for a late afternoon session. I will be in touch.

Loretta, we are hoping your ballroom event to raise funds for Breast Cancer was a success. For those of you who do not know, Loretta's South Jersey Breast Cancer Coalition, on the White Horse Pike (near Cash for Coins) is a non profit firm that donates dollars to breast cancer patients who have fallen behind in their bills due to treatment and side effects. I always tell Loretta, she is doing God's work. Hope it went well; your event conflicted with a Scleroderma Walk my family does every year in Philadelphia for a member of our family who lost their fight to Scleroderma.

Chris Chekouras will be our guest speaker next month. Mark your calendars. Chris will be speaking on Virtua's ambitious construction plans in South Jersey. From what I hear, you won't have needs to "cross the bridge" for quality healthcare. Thanks, Chris, for bailing me out of a calendar conflict. I am so blessed to have a group of officers who are all about service to one another. Chris, let me know if you need any "props"!

The dates for next year will eventually be posted to the right of the blog but for now, mark you calendars. We took the survey into account and are alternating times next year. Here they are:

2010 Dates
January 7, am
Feburary 4, noon to 1:30 pm
March 4, am
April 1, noon to 1:30 pm
May 6, am
June 3, noon to 1:30 pm
September 2, am
October 7, noon to 1:30 pm
November 4, am
December 2, noon to 1:30 pm

Friday, October 2, 2009

AROC Convention Looking for Exhibitors

Dr. John LaRatta, one of our members, has asked me to announce that the Atlantic Region Osteopathic Convention (AROC) is on April 14, 15, 2010 in Atlantic City. They are looking for exhibitors. Their audience consists of 1000 visitors, including physicians, nurses, practice managers and physician assistants. It will be at Bally's/AC/NJ. 115 booths are available. For more information about exhibiting at the upcoming convention, please contact me and I will send you a copy of the PDF with additional exhibitor information. Best regards, Rita Christensen (rita@icolorstudio.com)

2nd Annual Dance for a Cure

"Our" Loretta Mikulski is Co-chair for Dance for a Cure. It will take place on Sunday, October 11, 2009 beginning at 1:30 P.M. at The Stardust Ballroom in Bellmawr, New Jersey. Ticket includes dancing, dancing lessons (beginner and intermediate) and dinner. There will be a silent auction with restaurants, B&B's, retail stores and wine baskets.

Lu Ann Cahn of NBC 10 is schedule to be the MC for the event. Call Loretta to reserve a table, or purchase tickets separately at $45 each. Let's support one of our Business members with a great cause. 856.745.5854.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Welcome to the blog of the Berlin Business Association

The Berlin Business Association is a group of businesses that meets monthly to network with other businesses, improve our business knowledge base and provide community service. If you currently reside in Berlin Borough and have a business within or outside the Borough you are invited to join our current membership.
We meet monthly (except in the summer months of July and August) on the first Thursday of the month, at the Virtua Hospital Community Room in Berlin, NJ, at 7:30 AM for light refreshments, guest speakers and networking.
If you are not a member, please contact me at rita@icolorstudio.com to be included in our upcoming meetings and events.

In this blog, we plan to relay information about upcoming meetings and events. We will also be posting marketing tips, networking events and business growth information for you. Feel free to contact us with your thoughts, marketing promotions, new products, new hires, your business news, marketing ideas, hiring needs and customer service tips. The executive committee officers' names, email addresses and titles are as follows:
Rita Christensen, President, Berlin Business Association (CEO, iColor Studio, LLC and The Poducator). Contact me at rita@icolorstudio.com (to invite new members, suggest ideas for speakers and meeting topics).
Christopher Chekouras, Vice President, Berlin Business Association (COO, Virtua Hospital). Contact Chris at CChekouras@virtua.org. Debbie Briggs, Secretary, Berlin Business Association, CEO, Debbie's Florist. Contact Deb at daiesydb67@verizon.net. We welcome two new members, Walt Miller, Mary Kay Cosmetics and T. J. Moos, Comcast.